

The 英国威廉希尔中文网站 has a long-standing commitment to cleaning for health and environment. 在过去的几年里, increased cleaning and disinfecting protocols were put in place as we dealt with cleanliness guidelines and standards due to COVID. 随着大学恢复到疫情前的运营水平, campus occupants and visitors can be confident that the dedicated custodial staff will continue to clean to a high standard of cleanliness and sanitization.

The purpose of this memo is to announce some changes to custodial services, 尤其是在办公区域. The primary focus of custodial services is to provide services in areas that are used most often (i.e.教室、走廊、洗手间、楼梯等.). 前进, offices will receive less attention because they typically receive the least amount of traffic. See below for detailed information on what you can expect for room type.

办公室: Beginning September 1, 2022, office cleaning will change from 2x per week to 2x per month. If you desire your office garbage be picked up more often than 2x per month, please place the garbage container in the hallway or place garbage in common area garbage (i.e. 洗手间、走廊、厨房或休息室). 公共区域的垃圾每天都会被清理. 办公室将于每月第一个及第三个星期二进行清洁.

在办公室期待什么: 地毯和瓷砖是干净的,但在人流量大的地方可能会磨损. Certain carpet and/or tile stains will remain if we are not able to remove them with spot cleaning techniques. Between bi-monthly surface cleanings, dust build-up and fingerprints will be noticeable. Occupants are responsible for cleaning their own desks and surfaces containing personal belongings. 地板和房间角落周围可能有灰尘堆积. Custodial 服务 will respectfully decline to provide service to office areas that are not accessible, 否则服务可能会损坏或干扰房间内的物品. Custodial 服务 is instructed to lock office spaces after cleaning.

频率 任务
双月 空垃圾桶, as assigned; vacuum, sweep/mop as room contents allow and conditions warrant; dust empty horizontal surfaces such as windowsills, 地脚线, and fixtures; clean telephones; clean door handles and 帧 还有电灯开关.
每年 清洁地毯, if necessary and if carpet condition can withstand cleaning; scrub and refinish hard surface floors, 根据需要; clean reachable light fixtures, 根据需要; clean walls, 根据需要. 通过与住户的合作,完成年度清洁工作.


期待什么: 瓷砖是干净的,但可能会在交通繁忙的地区磨损. Tile stains will remain if we are not able to remove them with spot cleaning techniques. 交通模式可能出现在地毯上, certain carpet stains will remain if we are not able to remove them with spot cleaning techniques. Near the end of a semester, floor finish may be dull or scratched, depending on weather and use. 在冬天, foot traffic will bring moisture and dirt into the classrooms and computer labs during the day. Between weekly and/or monthly surface cleanings, dust build-up and fingerprints will be noticeable. High lighting replacement is scheduled during school breaks with other maintenance to the room. 教室将达到8 A的最高清洁水平.M.,白天的情况可能会恶化. Many classrooms are used all day into the evening with few breaks in the schedule. 如果可能的话, daytime custodial support staff will take advantage of any schedule breaks to spot clean 根据需要.

频率 任务
每天 清空垃圾和回收箱, if present; remove large debris from floor before dust mopping or vacuuming; mop or spot clean floors, 根据需要; clean major spills from floors, 根据需要; clean major spills or spots from tables and desktops, 根据需要; reposition chairs to original position and lower tablet arms; discard colored chalk due to extreme ghosting on the chalkboards; report damaged seating; clean door handles, 帧, 还有电灯开关.
每周 Wipe down tables or desktops and remove debris from chairs; replace chalk and erasers in General Assignment Classrooms, 根据需要; thoroughly clean chalkboards and whiteboards unless “do not erase or save” is written on the board; spot extract carpet stains, 根据需要; clean instructor tables and lecterns (not electronics or equipment).
每月 清除水平表面如窗台上的灰尘, 地脚线, and fixtures.
每年 刷洗和修补地板, 根据需要; extract carpet, 根据需要; clean reachable light fixtures, 根据需要; clean walls, 根据需要; inspect all classroom seating in preparation for the start of school.


期待什么: 所有的灯都在工作. 皂, 纸巾分配器, 水龙头, 镜子, 电灯开关, 门、隔间把手和其他浴室装置都很干净. 所有物资都已备货. Toilets, urinals, sinks, shower stalls and floor are all clean and disinfected. Some restroom fixtures are old and difficult to clean to a shiny and bright condition. Every effort is made to ensure high level of cleanliness regardless of the age or condition of the fixture.

频率 任务
每天 空垃圾桶 and receptacles; check and fill dispensers, 根据需要; wipe down dispensers; remove large debris before dust mopping and thoroughly disinfecting floor; clean and disinfect all fixture surfaces; check and remove graffiti on walls and partitions, 根据需要; clean and disinfect door handles.
每周 Clean walls and partitions; remove mineral deposits from toilets and urinals.
每月 清除水平表面如窗台上的灰尘, 地脚线 and fixtures; change out sharp containers, 根据需要; machine scrub restrooms, 更衣室和淋浴间, 在适用情况下.
每年 擦洗和修补地板, 根据需要; inspect and deep clean tile grout; clean reachable light fixtures, 根据需要; thoroughly clean trash bins and receptacles.


位置 服务频率 服务
工作室 每周
  • 空废物容器(每日)
  • 扫地/吸尘拖把或吸尘地板
  • 湿拖把硬地板
电梯 每周5次
  • 详细清洁门道.
  • 清洁和消毒控制面板.
  • 斑点清洁铝.
  • 真空.
  • 湿拖把/平拖把.
楼梯间 每周3次
  • 检查灯光并报告需要修理的地方.
  • 擦拭并消毒扶手.
  • 真空.
  • 湿拖把/平拖把.
厨房/休息区域 每周5次
  • 扫地/除尘拖把地板
  • 湿拖把地板
  • 洁净喷泉
  • 空废物容器
公共空间(所有楼层) 每周5次
  • 在公共场所和莫比乌斯站收集垃圾.
  • 清洁所有水平和经常接触的表面.
  • 吸尘地毯和整理家具
  • 扫地、除尘、拖把地板和整理家具
  • 洁净喷泉
  • 自动擦洗或拖地(每周)
  • 清扫室外坡道及平台(每周2次)